Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Lezing 'Making Architecture' at the TU/e, curated by Juliette Bekkering

The ‘Making’ Architecture Lecture Series continues ‘in times of change’. The second lecture of this special edition will focus around the theme of ‘Biobased Design’ with a double lecture by Lucas de Man (Company New Heroes) and Raoul Vleugels (Werkstatt), taking place on Thursday the 25th of March.

In the lecture series ‘Making’ Architecture, organized by AnArchi, Study Association for Architecture, and Juliette Bekkering of The Chair of Architectural Design and Engineering (ADE) at the TU Eindhoven, two architects will give a double lecture about their views on ‘making’ architecture. The double lecture format creates an exciting dynamic and provides insight in how different architects from different offices in fact deal with the making of architecture. They will therefore elaborate on a number of projects that show how the process of making, from concept to building, unfolds for that particular speaker and office.

Link to the video follows!

Houten Huizen: een duurzame mens? - Pakhuis de Zwijger

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